Thursday, December 20, 2007

Face post!

Ohh I love drawing necks.  The first face has big ol' cat eyes. It's kinda creepy, but I don't mind. I was playing around with different styles.

Err...expect more later, I guess!

And also, another poem. All of these things were written for Creative Writing. I'm not much of a poet.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


How excited am I for the Speed Racer movie releasing in May 2008? SO. EXCITED. Honestly, I hope someone goes to see it with me, although I WILL see it by myself. Really.

Ah, I don't really have an explanation for this picture except that the arm is thin. Kid needs to eat a sandwich, amirite? I have a hard time drawing past the shoulders, as I've said before.

Uh... also?

A poem I wrote for Creative Writing: Romance for Violin and Piano

Gackt Strife

A little bit of celebrity photoshop manipulation. This was done for my Digital Art class...and I just picked Gackt because I ran out of celebrities to use...I don't listen to a lot of his music though...

Uhh the body is Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I'm pretty sure it's near the fight with Kadaj.

Uh, I don't have either of the orignal pictures...but they're easy to find. I'm sure you could if you wanted.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

McD's Project - Digital Manipulation

This was a project for my Digital Art intro class. We had to take this picture of McDonald's and change it in eight different ways in these were mine.


I pretty much always draw Usopp in feminine clothes. It's not that he's a particularly feminine character. But the hair and eyelashes throw people!! I like to make up clothes for him, he's fun to draw, so...I mess with his style. Hence the glasses and the earring. I still like it!

Portugas D. Ace.

Ace from One Piece (or should I say "Trace" haha,) in all of his oekaki glory. This was one of the first ENTIRELY TABLET pictures I drew, and a different perspective at that!!

I like it anyway, even if it's off somehow.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Idiots never die

Oh ho I love Kouga. But I don't like Inuyasha. I'm pretty sure everyone knows I do...Another character Scott McNeil plays, so it's no shock that he's my favorite.

I just forced Kouga clips on my roommate.

Rolly Prince

Na-naaa-na-na-na-nana-na-na-na Katamari Damacy. Um...the rolly prince, from the Katamari Damacy series...but done completely with the wacom tablet!

Uh...I like to doodle.


Sanji's pretty fun to draw, I gotta say. A little challenging, but fun nonetheless. Another bit of One Piece fanart, of course, this one was done in pencil first, but colored with my wacom tablet.

I really can't wait for finals week to be over.

Zell Dincht

Drawing of Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII. This is an extremely old drawing, I'm pretty sure. And it's not that cleaned up, but, well, I guess I like it anyway...ish.

Favorite character yeahhhh.

Wind in your sails

I gave Luffy the SCRAWNIEST arms ever. I really can't draw bodies, even after figure drawing it's like a crazy challenge. So this is kind of on the crappy side.

But again with the One Piece! I love it! Can't get enough.

Not that this is interesting information, but the bagel I just ate is making me SO ill.

Duo Maxwell

Those of you with computers that don't support .png files preeeeetty much can't see the last two files. So, I'm sorry for you guys, not that you're missing out on something life changing...just some doodley fanart.

Duo is the character I draw when I'm trying out some styles, he's just a design I have lodged in my head...he's my favorite character from Gundam Wing though -another one of Scott McNeil's voices for those of you keeping track.

It's a good thing nobody has this blog on a feed or this would be spamming.


I was trying out a new art style...I was GOING for Disney and ended up with like a weird sort of Venture Bros.-esque style...

Two more days until finals are over! I can't wait to go home. :D Yeah, Christmas!

Princess Zelda

Picture of Princess Zelda, obviously from the Legend of Zelda series, but more specifically Ocarina of Time. This is an extremely old, it's kind of a copy of the manga artwork, I'm pretty sure.

I like it anyhow.


Usopp from Eiichiro Oda's One Piece. One of my all time favorite anime, and Usopp is one of my favorite characters. I never draw past the shoulders really, I can't very well. So this is probably the closest you'll get to a full body picture.

Scott McNeil

Scott McNeil is my absolute HERO. He looks different now...same plaid shirt, though. He's cool no matter what though. I should draw a new picture of him...

So um, how excited is everyone for Sweeney Todd?


A portrait of a friend. I don't like to draw people I know, too much pressure. So this is kinda rare.

Red dress

This image was from a dream I had where everything was in browns (kinda sepia toned) and ONLY this girl's dress was in red. I kept calling out for her but she never heard me and kept walking. I NEVER have deep dreams so it was a little surreal.

Another fashion-y drawing...I was thinking of using it for a different project, but...someone found it before I could create something from it.

Fashion sketch

The first post of a new art blog! Pretty exciting. This is the longest my computer has worked in a while, I've got to say. But this is the blog I'm using to post artwork, writing, thoughts. You know, blog things.

I love fashion, but I kind of like just drawing girls. We have easy shapes.